It is particularly important to learn a child how to maintain oral hygiene. We are at your disposal for this task. The members of our team will show your child how to wash its teeth in a picturesque way. Children’s teeth are particularly susceptible to cavities, so regular checkups are mandatory for them. This is especially important in order to detect a certain problem and to react right away. If we don’t take proper care of our children’s oral health, it can lead to some major problems and traumas for the child.

On regular checkups, that we advise you to do twice a year, we are taking care of the complete health of your mouth. First of all, we take care of the health of your teeth, their position or the aesthetic problem that you may not be satisfied with. Then, we pay special attention to the health of the gums and inflammation that can occur. The cancer screening of the soft tissue of the mouth is mandatory. Also, regular x-ray checkups allow us to monitor the health of your bone and teeth roots. At the end of this checkup, it is necessary to clean and polish all of your teeth and gums.